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How to Adjust Web Session Timeout in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Do you want to fine-tune the tracking of user sessions in Google Analytics 4? Adjusting the web session timeout allows you to tailor the duration of user sessions, capturing data that accurately reflects how visitors interact with your website. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the steps to adjust the web session timeout in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), empowering you to optimise your analytics setup and gain more meaningful insights into user behaviour. Introduction Step 1: Access the GA4 Property Settings Step 2: Adjust the Session Timeout Step 3: Save and Apply the Changes Testing and Monitoring Conclusion Introduction…


How to Create Links in Tables in Looker Studio

Do you want to make your Looker Studio tables more interactive and user-friendly? Creating text links within tables allows you to transform static data into clickable references, providing your audience with easy access to additional resources or related content. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the steps to create text links in tables in Looker Studio, empowering you to elevate the interactivity and usability of your reports. Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Adding URL Fields to Your Data Source III. Creating Text Links in Tables A. Using URL Fields B. Using The Hyperlink Function To Add A Link To…


How to Set Up Scheduled Email Delivery in Looker Studio

Are you looking for a convenient way to share your Looker Studio reports on a regular basis? Setting up scheduled email delivery in Data Studio enables you to automate the distribution of reports to key recipients, saving you time and effort in manual report sharing. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the steps to set up scheduled email delivery in Looker Studio, empowering you to deliver valuable data insights to your audience with ease. I. Introduction II. Configuring Scheduled Email Delivery A. Accessing the Report B. Enabling Scheduled Email Delivery III. Selecting Recipients A. Adding Recipients B. Managing Recipients…


How to Import and Export Google Tag Manager (GTM) Containers

Are you looking for a streamlined way to manage and transfer Google Tag Manager containers? The import and export feature in GTM allows you to seamlessly migrate container configurations, share containers with collaborators, or maintain consistent setups across different accounts or environments. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the steps to import and export GTM containers, enabling you to efficiently handle container configurations and enhance your tag management efficiency. Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Exporting GTM Containers A. Selecting the Container to Export B. Downloading the Exported Container III. Importing GTM Containers A. Choosing the Container To Import into…


How To Quickly Change Theme And Layout In Looker Studio

Do you want to enhance the visual appeal of your Looker Studio reports? Changing the theme and layout in Looker Studio enables you to create dynamic and captivating data visualisations that effectively communicate your insights. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to quickly change the theme and layout in Looker Studio, empowering you to create visually appealing reports that capture attention and deliver data-driven impact. Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Changing the Theme A. Browse The Pre Built Themes B. Choose a Pre Built Theme III. Using an Image To Create A Theme A. Uploading Your Own Image B.…


How to Embed a Looker Studio Report on a Web Page

Are you looking for a convenient way to showcase your Looker Studio reports on your website or blog? Embedding a Looker report on a web page enables you to present your visualisations and data insights directly within your online presence. In this tutorial, I'll walk you through the steps to embed a Looker Studio report, empowering you to bring your data to life and engage your website visitors with interactive and informative visualisations.   Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Generating the Embed Code A. Access the Published Report B. Customise the Embed Options III. Embedding the Looker Studio Report on…


How to Track Form Submissions with Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

Are you looking to gain a deeper understanding of how your website forms are performing? Tracking form submissions with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) allows you to capture vital data on user interactions, measure form conversion rates, and identify areas for improvement. In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of tracking form submissions in GA4, empowering you to harness valuable insights and maximise the effectiveness of your online forms.   Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Setting Up Event Tracking in GA4 A. Adding Custom Definitions to GA4 B. Defining the Form Submission Event C. Mark The Event As A…


How to Set Up Cross-Domain Tracking in Google Analytics 4 (GA4)

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the process of setting up cross-domain tracking in Google Analytics 4 (GA4), enabling you to gain a holistic view of user behaviour across multiple domains or subdomains. With cross-domain tracking, you can accurately track user journeys, understand the impact of marketing efforts, and optimise conversions and engagement across your digital properties. Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Understanding Cross-Domain Tracking in GA4 A. Benefits of Cross-Domain Tracking B. How Cross-Domain Tracking Works III. Setting Up Cross-Domain Tracking in GA4 A. Configuring Domains in GA4 Property Settings B. Adding the GA4 Code To Both Websites…


How To Use The CASE When Function In Looker Studio

Do you want to take your data analysis in Looker Studio to the next level by incorporating conditional logic? The CASE WHEN function is a versatile tool that allows you to apply logic and manipulate data based on various conditions. In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the usage of the CASE WHEN function in Looker Studio, equipping you with the knowledge to perform advanced calculations and enhance your data insights.   Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Understanding the CASE WHEN Function A. Purpose and Benefits B. Syntax of the CASE WHEN Function III. Implementing the CASE WHEN Function in…


How to Customise the Navigation Menu in Looker Studio

Are you looking to enhance the user experience in Looker Studio by customising the navigation menu? The navigation menu serves as a central hub for users to access their reports and dashboards, and personalising it can greatly improve their navigation experience. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the steps to customise the navigation menu in Looker Studio, allowing you to create a seamless and intuitive user interface. Header Outline: I. Introduction II. Customising the Navigation Menu in Looker Studio A. Accessing Looker Studio B. Customise Fonts, Background Colours and Text Colours C. Navigating to the Navigation Menu Editor D.…

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